We offer super comfortable home design balancing efficiency with affordability.
Passive House Design allows you to personally address the climate change challenge while increasing your individual comfort and expressing your aesthetic standards.
There is nothing to lose, except the burden of escalating energy bills.
I am Joaquin Karcher, founder of Zero E Design. I call myself a Zero-Energy-Designer, but what I really am is passionate about helping you materialize your dream of living in a home that expresses your appreciation for efficient design, high comfort, healthy living and satisfies your desire to be environmentally and socially responsible.
Today, with Zero Energy design, you can live lightly and beautifully on this planet and save money while doing so.
Let us show you how.
A Zero E Home is for the environment, and for you.
Future-ready. Generous. Value-based. Cost effective with technical excellence. These are the adjectives I most commonly use to talk about the benefits of Passive House Design.
A Passive House is future ready. It has ahead-of-the-curve value built in; its features remain desirable and marketable way into future.
A Zero E House is generous. Because it requires so little energy, its systems can generate a surplus that you can tap into for other things, like charging an electric car.
A Passive House is centered around your values—your desire to reduce your own personal carbon footprint can be precisely achieved.
A healthy, happy balance.
Zero Energy Design achieves your goals to live comfortably, to save money, and to reduce harmful effects of combustion fuel on the environment. It’s a triple win, and a maverick move.
Independence from utility dependence is a bold statement. A Passive Home is quite simply the perfect design for this very time and for your personal goals.
Live it, love it. Satisfy your desire to be energy independent.
JOAQUIN KARCHER: “Ultra-low energy homes are emerging all over the country. 90% heating energy savings is now available and affordable. It is a breakthrough to new dimensions in deep energy savings and comfort. Latest Building Science and super-insulated building envelopes designed to the Passive House concept make it possible. It is the most cost effective approach to Zero Energy living”.
DAN JONES, Passive Home Owner: “I can’t tell you how thrilled I am with the house. The energy conservation is nothing short of remarkable. The free solar gains have been heating the house beautifully. All the systems are working flawlessly, even when I travel. I no longer have to worry about pipes freezing, running out of fuel, or fearing the arrival of the next utility bill!”

Contact Us
Joaquin Karcher
Taos office:
95 Cielo Dulce Road, Taos, N.M. 87571